Career Horoscope Today for Sept26,2023: Astro tips for creativity and innovation | Astrology


Aries: You will remain confident about your job role today, which will help you earn respect and recognition. Make your colleagues understand that you are feeling uncomfortable in their presence if some of them are trying to tarnish your reputation. A new opportunity will surface at a distant place if you are related to advertising or media. Your seniors will guide you through a vital notification to help you specialise in a particular field of work.

Read daily money and career horoscopes for all zodiac signs and know your fortune for today at Hindustan Times.
Read daily money and career horoscopes for all zodiac signs and know your fortune for today at Hindustan Times.

Taurus: Today is the perfect time to engage in creativity and innovation if you are related to the scientific field. A sudden fallout between you and your colleague will cause frustration. Make sure you solve things as soon as possible to achieve mental peace. You might be late for work, so try to organise your home before time and get things done fast. Try making a schedule and follow it diligently.

Gemini: Career problems will be resolved as soon as you stand up for yourself today. Many things change once you take a professional attitude before the other party. Be innovative when looking for a name for your business startup. It is also a great time to complete the registration process if you have specialised in a particular discipline. Students will find this time favourable enough to decide on definite subjects.

Cancer: Your professionalism and honesty will help you get a promotion or your due recognition at the office. If you want to get into a coaching institute as a faculty, today is the right time to approach them. You will meet many prospective clients, so keep a hopeful attitude when speaking to them. The higher authorities will help you achieve immediate targets quickly. Make sure you are on good terms with them.

Leo: Make room for growth and development in your career as you are about to start a new project today. Some of your colleagues might be jealous of your success, and they may try to harm you in some way. Remain alert and confident of your talents during a meeting to deliver your best. A sudden achievement will change how people behave with you today.

Virgo: You will have the determination to get difficult things done today. Also, you might meet a distant friend who will offer you an exciting job role. Take some time to think before you make any decision. You may face embarrassment at work if you cannot complete your pending task on time. Ensure you convey your regards to your seniors as and when possible.

Libra: Now is the right time to change your job position if necessary. It can be an exciting opportunity like a managerial role or entrepreneurship that requires a lot of effort on your part. You may get good news about your promotion if you are related to the teaching and academic sector. Continue completing your individual tasks without getting distracted by your co-workers.

Scorpio: It is vital to understand your capability as a professional so that you can choose tasks accordingly today. If you are a freelancer, you will get new job opportunities from social media, so look at it occasionally. Manage your tasks according to the priority to get appreciated by your clients. Those in business should keep an eye on future revenue targets.

Sagittarius: Today, be ready to hear positive and negative feedback from the higher-ups. It is better to avoid your seniors who may be intentionally causing distractions in your work. A short visit to a distant place for your job will likely happen today. Engage in fruitful conversations with your colleagues to understand the working environment at present.

Capricorn: You will achieve the immediate targets at work, which will help you get a lot of relief. Trust your co-workers and get things done as a team for better output. Today is the right time to start a computer course if you are unaware of specific mechanisms related to it. You will get good leads if you are looking for fresh graduates for your business.

Aquarius: You must focus on your daily tasks rather than daydreaming about promotions and salary hikes. It is an excellent time to ask for a future holiday from your seniors. Be clear about your creative techniques during a meeting so that you get hold of essential projects to work on. Make sure that you do not hurt the intentions of your colleagues in any way today.

Pisces: To remain ahead in the competition, you must have positive conversations with your seniors. Once they see that you are interested, they will provide access to a lot of information. For the most part, you will be able to concentrate on a particular task and get it done at the end of the day. Health concerns relating to minor bruises are indicated for the day.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779


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