Check conversions & ‘love jihad’, Mohan Bhagwat tells RSS


LUCKNOW: Expressing his serious concern over the rise in incidents of religious conversion and ‘love jihad’, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on Sunday asked Sangh functionaries to take up the twin issues to the people aggressively and ensure that they are curbed.
Chairing an organisational meeting of Awadh region in Lucknow, Bhagwat said the menace of religious conversion seemed much more profound in rural areas, which was a cause of “serious worry”. “We need to focus especially in areas where anti-nationalist and anti-social elements were active,” he told RSS workers.
The issue of rising religious conversion has been high on the agenda of the Sangh for many years. Bhagwat’s fresh reiteration on the subject was, not surprisingly, seen with much significance amid recurrent incidents being reported from various parts of the country, especially in areas close to the international border.
The RSS boss discussed the measures required to be taken for the welfare of the Hindu society in the region.
Sunday’s meeting focused on various topics, including expanding and strengthening of Sangh work in the Awadh region. An RSS office-bearer said Bhagwat laid stress on reaching out to people from various sections who, besides doing their own work, were committed towards nation-building. The RSS chief said the Sangh needed to rope in such people for giving impetus to various positive activities.
He asked RSS workers to work actively in spreading the ideas and values of Sangh among the young generation. Discussion on organising ‘shakhas’ for various social and professional groups was also taken up during the meeting.


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