Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for September 26, 2023 | Astrology


All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for September 26, 2023(Pixabay)
Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for September 26, 2023(Pixabay)

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Excellent earning opportunities come your way. You are likely to focus on health now and succeed in your efforts of keeping physically fit. You can expect appreciation from least expected quarters on the work front. You can be surrounded by your loved ones today. Driving around with friends is likely to give some a solid high. Some pending alterations or additions to the house may be initiated today.

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Love Focus: Someone special may come to meet you and brighten up the romantic front.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Color : Blue

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Someone may tempt you to buy a prime piece of property. Starting something new on the professional front is likely to have better financial prospects. A change of diet and daily routine may prove a boon for your health. Burden of work at the office is likely to be shared. Peace and tranquility prevail on the home front and will help you unwind. A trip with family and friends is in the offing and will prove enjoyable.

Love Focus: Your immature ways can put paid to a romantic evening out with lover.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Color : Golden

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Against all odds, you will be able to manage your finances well. Fitness freaks will add some more exercises to their workout regimen. You will make the correct decision of hiring someone for work. A family member staying separated is likely to return home for a few days. Chance for an official trip is likely to materialise soon. Becoming a house owner may be on your mind and you will work towards acquiring it.

Love Focus: Things brighten up on the romantic front, as someone catches your fancy.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Color : Silver

CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Good investments will ensure profuse growth of your money tree on the financial front. Health remains satisfactory through your own efforts. Posting to a choice destination is on the cards for some. You may try to get socially in for getting a good match for an eligible family member. A gift from beloved is on the cards and is likely to make your day. Some of you can start a major renovation work in your house.

Love Focus: A gift from beloved is on the cards and is likely to make your day.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Color : Peach

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Chance to add to wealth may be seized by you. You enjoy excellent health, so bury all fears about ill health that you have been harbouring. An excellent phase starts for you both personally and professionally. Parents will be supportive and help you in achieving your dreams. You may get a chance to travel to an exotic location on invitation. Don’t enter into any agreement concerning property today.

Love Focus: Your love life is likely to give you immense satisfaction.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Color : Saffron

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)

You may get motivated to plan finances for going in for something big. Despite excesses, you will be able to remain in perfect health. Things start improving slowly on the personal and professional fronts. Plans for a family outing may be given final shape. A business trip promises to bring lucrative opportunities, but the key is to seize them in time. Keep a close track of the progress of construction initiated by you.

Love Focus: Romance is likely to rock today.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Color : White

LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)

A bonanza on the financial front cannot be ruled out. Those ailing will experience a fast recovery. Your professional experience will be much in demand. Something that you wanted to get done on the home front is likely to be initiated now. A short journey will prove relaxing for those trying to unwind. Be very careful of what you sign in connection with an ancestral property. Those studying for competitions will find their old rhythm and concentration.

Love Focus: Finding love will not be difficult, you only have to wish for it!

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Color : Red

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Some of you will manage to come out of financial uncertainty and achieve stability. Health-wise, you have nothing to complain about. You get an opportunity today to prove your mettle on the professional front. Family will be supportive and look after your needs. Plans for travelling overseas may crystallize during this period. Clarify some aspects of a property deal before signing the dotted line.

Love Focus: A stranger from the opposite camp may give you attention on the romantic front.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Color : Cream

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Your attempts to keep the domestic expenditure to the bare minimum will meet with success. You are likely to find yourself in the best of health. You are likely to find yourself sitting on cloud nine on the professional front. Something that you wanted to get done on the home front is likely to be initiated now. A property issue will require your consent before it is decided in anyone’s favour.

Love Focus: You are likely to find love under the most unexpected circumstances.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Color : Pink

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

Good financial phase starts for you now and make your worries on the monetary front disappear. A minor ailment is likely to get cured through a home remedy. Establishing your authority on the work front will help restore your self-esteem. Normalcy will be brought on the family front, after a spate of tensions through your efforts. Someone is likely to tag along with you on a journey, but will make it enjoyable. Property dispute can give some sleepless nights. Students are likely to fare well in a test or competition.

Love Focus: A tiff with lover is foreseen on the romantic front.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Color : Yellow

AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

You will add to your wealth as your efforts promise to bring in a lot of money. Remaining a choosy eater may turn out to be a boon for your health. You will manage to complete a project left halfway by someone else. Plans for a fun trip with family can be finalised. Timely action is likely to make you the proud owner of a property you have invested your money in. Those preparing for exams will be able to find someone to clear their doubts.

Love Focus: Lovers may not see eye to eye today.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Color : White

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Money lent to someone is likely to be returned. Interest awakened for meditation or yoga will do you a whale of good. Professionals are likely to find an increase in clientele. Your ideas and suggestions about something important are likely to be accepted on the home front. You are likely to be part of the trip organised by your friends. A property owned by you may start giving good returns. Those preparing for exams will feel more confident now, than before.

Love Focus: Paucity of time may not allow you to spend much time with lover today.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Color : Green


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