Know your Chinese predictions for this week from Sept 25 to 1st Oct, 2023 | Astrology


Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032)

This week, Rat, your cosmic alignment emphasizes the importance of fulfilling your chores, tasks, and responsibilities diligently. While it might feel a bit hectic, remember that your hard work will not go unnoticed. The fruits of your labour are on the horizon, so stay committed to your tasks and stay organized.

Read your Chinese predictions for this week from 25 to 1st October, 2023.
Read your Chinese predictions for this week from 25 to 1st October, 2023.

Love– In matters of the heart, this week may bring some thunderclouds to your love life. It’s crucial not to ignore red flags or sweep important issues under the rug. Ignoring problems can lead to trouble in your romantic relationships. Instead, focus on open and honest communication with your partner, addressing any concerns or issues that arise promptly.

Friendship-Consider taking some time to create a vision board for small, enjoyable adventures this week. While manifesting significant life goals is essential, planning smaller, more manageable adventures and activities can be equally fulfilling. It gives you something to look forward to and helps break the monotony of daily life.

Career– In your professional life, it’s essential to be decisive in your actions and commitments. Wishy-washy behaviour can attract negative energy. Some of you may be on the cusp of significant career advancements, such as promotions or higher responsibilities. To seize these opportunities, you must exhibit determination and commitment.

Ox (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033)

Ox, this week’s energy encourages deep introspection. Take time to contemplate whether you are truly in control of your destiny or if you’ve allowed external factors to steer your life. Journal your thoughts and feelings on this subject, as it can help you channel the upcoming positive energy toward achieving your goals.

Love: When it comes to matters of the heart, practising patience is crucial this week. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, demonstrating considerate behaviour can make all the difference. It’s a time to attract the right people by being kind and understanding. Consider wearing a green topaz pendant or a green crystal to enhance your love life.

Friendships: This week also calls for nurturing your friendships, particularly with your closest companions. Take the opportunity to engage in heart-to-heart conversations with your best friend or inner circle. Try to see things from their perspective and communicate your own viewpoint effectively. Every relationship is unique, so avoid comparing them to others.

Career- Your professional life is infused with positive energy this week. Dressing smartly and presenting yourself professionally can attract even more abundance your way. However, avoid getting caught up in unnecessary competition regarding your appearance. Focus on your skills and contributions instead.

Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034)

Fate seems to be testing your patience and perseverance, Tiger. This week, it’s essential to remain calm and collected, especially when you feel on the verge of losing your temper or making impulsive decisions. Taking a deep breath and settling yourself can help you navigate challenging situations wisely.

Love- Your love life is expected to be more dynamic and fast-paced this week. Some of you may find that things are moving uncomfortably quickly in your romantic relationships. If that’s the case, it’s crucial to establish and communicate your boundaries. Let your significant other or lover know if you need to slow down the pace.

Friendship– If socializing isn’t feasible to the extent you’d like this week, consider indulging in nostalgic activities. Revisit video games you used to enjoy in your youth or watch TV series that hold fond memories with your friends. These activities can evoke a sense of nostalgia and create new enjoyable experiences.

Career– Similarly, your professional life is also characterized by swift energy at this time. It’s crucial not to doubt your abilities but to have confidence in your capacity to meet challenges head-on. You have what it takes to excel in your career; trust yourself and your skills.

Rabbit (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035)

Rabbit, this week’s cosmic alignment urges you to face the truth, dispelling any illusions or self-deceptions. It’s time to remove the blinders and confront the reality of your circumstances. Recognize that you possess inner strength and resilience, which will help you overcome challenges.

Love: In matters of love, collaboration is the key to joy and fulfillment this week. Consider planning romantic dates where both you and your partner contribute to various aspects of the experience. This collaborative effort can result in surprises for both of you and enhance your sense of pride and togetherness. Alternatively, engaging in activities like board games or joining a couple’s hobby class can also foster deeper connection.

Friendships: Be extra conscious of the energy you bring into your social relationships this week. Positive energy tends to attract more positivity, while negativity can have the opposite effect. Make a conscious effort to avoid interactions with people who drain your energy, as it’s essential to protect your emotional well-being.

Career: This week’s energy is conducive to assessing your financial situation and career prospects. Take the time to evaluate your finances and explore opportunities for advancement or promotion in your career. The universe supports your efforts in these areas, so seize the moment to plan for a brighter financial future.

Dragon: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036)

Dragon, you are the master of your fate this week, with an opportunity to exert greater control over your life. As such, be mindful of the energy you radiate and the decisions you make. Your manifestation abilities are exceptionally potent right now, allowing you to bring your desires to fruition.

Love: Whether you’re in a relationship or single, this week presents an opportunity for self-care. Dedicate time to focus on yourself and your needs, setting aside external concerns and priorities. Reflect on your identity and well-being, and engage in self-nurturing activities that promote personal growth.

Friendship: Consider incorporating energy cleansing practices into your routine this week. For instance, you might benefit from a sea salt bath to cleanse your aura. Combining this with sage incense before and after the ritual can enhance its effectiveness. Ensure that windows are open to allow the smoke to dissipate.

Career: Exercise caution in your workplace interactions, particularly concerning personal matters. Avoid oversharing about your personal life, and establish healthy boundaries with colleagues and acquaintances. This is a time to prioritize professionalism and maintain a degree of privacy.

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037)

Snake, you are on the brink of entering a new and joyous chapter in your life. This phase promises inner peace and happiness. To fully appreciate this transition, make an effort to embrace each day and acknowledge the changing seasons in your life.

Love: Maintaining clear and healthy boundaries is vital in your romantic relationships this week. It’s essential to communicate your needs and personal limits effectively. Open and honest dialogue with your partner will help prevent misunderstandings and strengthen your connection. Remember that the universe supports your efforts in love.

Friendship: Be mindful of the energy you bring into your social interactions this week. Surround yourself with positive individuals who uplift and support you, while minimizing contact with those who drain your energy. Your social circle plays a significant role in shaping your experiences, so choose your connections wisely.

Career: Take advantage of the positive energy surrounding your finances this week. It’s an excellent time to conduct a thorough assessment of your financial situation and explore opportunities for growth, such as investments or financial planning. Set intentions for your financial future, as the universe is aligning to assist you in this area.

Horse: Horse, anticipate a beautiful new beginning this week. You may find yourself in a phase of prosperity and abundance. Embrace this positive energy by incorporating more red elements into your life, whether through your clothing choices, home decor, or daily accessories.

Love: In your love life, it’s essential to exercise patience this week. The current energy is better suited for independent actions and decision-making. If you are in a relationship, clear and open communication will help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. Be cautious not to rush into decisions without thorough consideration.

Friendship: Your social life is likely to flourish this week, presenting opportunities to make new friends or expand your social circle. Maintaining a positive attitude and being open to new connections can lead to meaningful interactions. Engage in social activities with enthusiasm, and you may discover lasting friendships.

Career: Exercise prudence in your career endeavors this week. Avoid unnecessary risks and take the time to carefully evaluate your plans and strategies. Trust your intuition when making important decisions in your professional life, as it can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Goat (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027)

Goat, this week’s energy is highly favorable for initiating new beginnings, especially in areas related to finances and travel. Consider this period as an opportunity to plant the seeds that will yield a rich bounty in the future. Focus on setting the stage for your long-term success.

Love: If you are single, you are in a position to attract your soulmate. Be receptive and open to new connections, as the right person may soon enter your life. This is a time when your wishes and desires in love are likely to manifest, so remain positive and hopeful.

Friendship: It’s essential to be discerning in your choice of friends and social connections this week. Surround yourself with individuals who bring positivity and support into your life, while minimizing interactions with those who drain your energy. Be aware of the impact your social circle has on your overall well-being.

Career: This week’s energy is conducive to expanding your knowledge and acquiring new skills in your career. Consider enrolling in a lecture, attending a webinar, or pursuing educational opportunities that can enhance your professional capabilities and open doors to advancement.

Monkey (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028)

Monkey, trust your instincts wholeheartedly this week, regardless of external influences. Fate may test your resolve by placing individuals who attempt to divert you from your authentic path. Staying true to your inner guidance is essential.

If you find yourself uncertain about a particular relationship or situation, consider taking time this week to journal your feelings. Reflecting on your emotions and thoughts can provide clarity and help you make informed decisions. Avoid remaining in relationships that no longer serve your well-being.

Love: This week, don’t hesitate to lean on your friends and loved ones for support when needed. Extend your assistance to them as well, as true friendships are built on mutual trust and support. Remember that genuine friends stand by your side through thick and thin.

Career: Although your work life may seem slow at times, rest assured that you are making progress in the right direction. Stay dedicated, work diligently, and trust that your efforts will eventually yield the desired results. Continue pushing forward with determination.

Rooster (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029)

This week, Rooster, take the opportunity to evaluate your projects and aspirations. Reflect on whether you’ve put any plans on hold to support others. Now is the time to advocate for your own goals and manifest them into your life.

Love: In romantic relationships, open and honest communication is crucial. Disagreements are normal, even among well-matched couples, and do not necessarily indicate incompatibility. Avoid conflating occasional conflicts with the need to fundamentally alter the relationship.

Friendship: Be mindful of your social interactions and associations. Consider whether you are spending time with the right people and if these connections align with your values and goals. Journaling your feelings can offer clarity and help you make informed decisions about your social circle.

Career: In your workplace interactions, establish and maintain healthy boundaries. Be cautious about oversharing personal details with colleagues or acquaintances. Prioritize professionalism and consider what information is appropriate to disclose in a professional context.

Dog (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030)

Dog, fate and fortune play significant roles in your life this week, and karma is on your side. As long as you have faith in the benevolent forces of the universe and in yourself, you can navigate this phase with confidence and ease.

Love: In matters of love, be cautious of individuals with silver tongues who may be drawn to you due to recent personal successes or transformations. While charm can be enticing, it’s essential to discern genuine intentions from flattery. Maintain a healthy level of skepticism and trust your instincts.

Friendships: This week’s energy is conducive to nurturing both existing and new friendships. Take time to connect with friends and engage in nostalgic conversations or shared experiences. Embrace the opportunity to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories with your social circle.

Career: Exercise patience in your career this week, as progress may seem slow. Trust that everything is unfolding as it should, even if it requires time and dedication. To stay motivated, treat yourself to a satisfying dinner at the end of each workday, offering a small reward for your perseverance.

Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031)

If you find yourself feeling confused this week, take a moment to practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply, relax your muscles, and exhale slowly, repeating this process three times. This practice can help dissipate confusion and bring clarity to your thoughts. You are currently traversing a celestial shadow period that necessitates heightened focus and dedication to achieve success.

Love: True love should never hinder your pursuit of dreams or force you into delusions. Reflect on the balance between love and personal growth in your relationships this week. Avoid allowing a relationship to obstruct your ambitions or lead you down an unrealistic path.

Friendships: Be cautious of individuals who only seek your companionship or support when you achieve success or a higher status. Don’t confuse their return with an olive branch or a genuine desire for friendship. Maintain your discernment when reconnecting with those who abandoned you during challenging times.

Career: While your career progress may appear slow at the moment, it’s essential to exercise patience. Trust that your hard work will eventually yield positive results. Maintaining a positive outlook and preserving your motivation is crucial during this phase.

These weekly horoscopes provide valuable insights and guidance for each Chinese zodiac sign, helping individuals navigate various aspects of their lives with confidence and clarity.


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